What’s in Your Bag this Autumn? Tips for New Moms

Everything changes when you become a new mom, including how you pack your bag. With fall coming up soon, the weather is changing, and you’re probably wondering what you should pack in your diaper bag as a new mom. Read on for style tips on how to pack your bag this autumn.
Diaper Bag Checklist
No matter what time of the year it is, you need to pack for your little one before you pack for yourself. Eventually, you’ll have all the essentials committed to memory, but until then, follow this basic diaper bag checklist:
· Diapers and wipes
· Diaper rash ointment
· Portable changing pad
· Burp cloths and bibs
· Change of clothes
· Bottle and formula
· Nursing cover
· Pacifier
· Waterproof poop bags
· Snacks
· Toys
· Sunscreen and bug spray
· Hand sanitizer
· Band-Aids
Essentials for Mom
One of the most important things to remember as a new mom is that you don’t have to sacrifice style for convenience, especially with so many stylish diaper bag options for fall out there. Choose a bag that suits your style and provides enough space for everything on the checklist above and the items below.
Mini First Aid Kit
Your first aid kit should include band-aids, nail clippers, safety pins, alcohol wipes, hand sanitizer, tissues, and a few extra feminine products. Keep things stylish by putting together your own kit in an oversized makeup bag.
Lip Balm and Lotion
The fall weather is much drier than summer, which means that lip balm and lotion will become your best friends. Never leave home without a small tube of each in your bag.
Snacks and Water
While your baby is your number-one focus, you’re a new mom – you must keep your body fueled and hydrated. Pack high-energy snacks that are easy to eat on the go, like a little bag of trail mix or a granola bar. And always keep a bottle of water with you.
They’re not just for babies – a pack of sanitizing wipes and body wipes will ensure that you and everything you touch stays fresh and clean, which is super important when handling a baby.
Speaking of fresh and clean, keep some gum and mints on hand all the time. Having fresh breath will allow you to enjoy your time spent outside the house much more than if you feel your breath as stale.
Roll-On Perfume
New moms don’t always have the time to take care of their hygiene as they used to. Add another one to the list of staying fresh and clean on the go.
Extra Hair Ties
Every new mom has moments when hair becomes an uncomfortable burden you have to carry. Nothing feels better at that moment than getting it up off your neck, which is why you should always take extra hair ties.
Pen and Portable Phone Charger
These two accessories can be life savers in so many situations. Never leave home without them.