How to Pack for a Weekend in the Country with Kids

Whether you’re a beachgoer, a fall fanatic, or a winter wanderer, it’s always a good time to visit the country. Getting out in nature, camping, and hiking are all excellent activities for the family. If you’re planning on taking the kids on a weekend trip in the country, follow this simple guide to learn what to bring and what you should leave behind.
Tips for Packing Clothes
Before we get into packing all the stuff you’ll need apart from clothing, here are some tips to help you maximize space while packing wardrobe essentials for the family.
Roll Your Clothes
One of the oldest camping tricks in the books is to roll your clothes as you pack them. Rolling each piece of clothing will save you about double the space in your suitcase or duffle bag, as the roll method allows you to make use of space that would otherwise not be accessible to you. Bonus tip: start with larger items and end with smaller ones.
Pack Your Shoes
Whether you stuff them with socks or jewelry, don’t let all that extra space go to waste. If you have small items that you’re unsure where to pack, stuff them into your shoes. If the idea grosses you out, put them in Ziplock bags first.
Wear Your Biggest Shoes and Heaviest Outerwear
Set aside the items that would take up the most space in your suitcase or duffle bag and wear them. When you’re venturing into the country, you don’t need to worry about looking out of place if you arrive wearing clunky hiking boots and your warmest coat.
Pack Neutral Colors
When you’re trying to pack efficiently for a camping trip or weekend getaway in the country, you don’t need to bring your most colorful or boldly printed clothing. Instead, pack several simple, neutral-colored items that are easy to mix and match to make several outfits out of fewer pieces.
Camping Essentials Apart from Clothes
Whether you’re camping, hiking, or just trying to get a little closer to nature, dedicate a small bag to the following essentials you’ll need apart from clothes:
· Fully-stocked first aid kit (make sure it includes Neosporin, Afterbite, Benadryl, and extra Band-Aids)
· Travel-sized toiletries
· Mosquito/bug spray
· Sunscreen
· Extra blankets
· Camp food/extra snacks
· Lanterns and/or flashlights
· Tents and hammocks
Packing cubes, toiletry bags, or zippered fabric containers are ideal for packing these items. They not only increase the space for use but will also help you stay super organized.
Simple Activities for Kids
A weekend trip to the country means getting away to enjoy nature and spend time together as a family. When leaving electronic devices behind, you should pack everything you’ll need to keep your young ones entertained. Reserve some packing space for the following items:
· Nature scavenger hunts
· Instant cameras for kids
· Bikes/strollers
· Slacklines
· Fishing poles/nets
· Sketchbooks/coloring books