How to Choose a Good Diaper & How to Change Your Baby

When you have to spend an arm and a leg on diapers (something no new parent can escape), the last thing you want is to end up with an uncomfortable and irritable baby. Use the following guide to help make them comfortable and happy when it comes to changing time.
And don’t forget the accessory that’s almost as important as the diaper itself – every new parent must have an easy-to-use diaper bag to carry all those diapers and changing supplies around when leaving the house with your baby.
How to Choose a Good Diaper
With so many different diaper brands and types of diapers available, choosing the best for your baby can be difficult. Follow this guide to figure out how to find the best diaper for you and your little one.
Types of Diaper
Before you begin shopping for diapers, the first thing to consider is the different types of diapers:
Cloth or Reusable Diapers
The major upside to using cloth diapers is that they’re reusable, which means they help save the planet and your wallet. However, this is a more time-consuming route as you’ll have to change your baby more often, the changing process is more complicated, and you’ll have more laundry to do.
Disposable diapers are convenient, easy to use, don’t leak often, and are easy to travel with because you can just throw them away whenever you change your baby. However, they’re much more expensive than reusable diapers and are terrible for the environment.
Organic brands use eco-friendly materials and environmentally friendly production methods. These are the best of both worlds, convenient and less ecologically damaging.
Diaper Features
Once you’ve decided on a type of diaper, check whether they have the following features:
· Absorbency
· Stretchability and fit
· Softness and breathability
· Wetness indicator lines
How to Change Your Baby
Changing your baby’s diaper is as essential a part of parenting as feeding. While it takes a little practice, once you get the hang of it, it will become a simple routine.
Be Prepared
Before you begin, gather a few supplies – and make sure you always have the essentials with you by packing them in a diaper bag whenever you leave home with your little one:
· Changing pad
· Fresh diaper
· Diaper fasteners if you use cloth diapers
· Diaper wipes, a clean washcloth, or warm water and cotton balls (for babies with sensitive skin)
· Diaper ointment (for preventing and treating rashes)
Whenever you change your baby’s diaper, make sure all the supplies you’ll need are within arm’s reach. Your little one should never be left unattended during a diaper change, even for a second.
Develop a Routine
In the first months, your baby will require approximately 10 changes per day – once after every poop and frequently in-between.
Some of the most common signs your little one needs a diaper change include:
· Feeling dampness when you stick a finger into the diaper
· Smelling or seeing pee or poop
· A sagging diaper or a bulky-feeling underside
Without further ado, read on for a simple step-by-step guide on how to change your baby’s diaper:
3-Step Guide to Changing a Diaper
Changing a diaper may feel intimidating, but it's as easy as 1-2-3!
Step 1: Change the Diaper
Clean your baby's skin gently and thoroughly in and around all the creases with baby wipes. Always wipe your baby's bottom from front to back.
Step 2: Check the Skin
Check for any signs of irritation or diaper rash. Use diaper rash cream, petroleum jelly, or ointment to protect your baby’s skin.
Step 3: Promote Comfort and Ensure the Diaper Fits
Diaper changes can be stressful for babies. Help keep your little one comfortable while fostering an emotional connection during changes by using a gentle touch, soft voice, and careful movements.