Plane Travel with a Baby

There is A LOT out there on plane travel with kids! I however, had a hard time finding info about traveling with babies! Specifically around ages 6 months to 1 year old. Since we are avid travelers with our Georgia we figured we pass a long some things we've learned! Mind you we aren't experts by any means but hopefully our experiences can help you in some way! Our most recent trip was to Hawaii and our flight was 6 hours long! So lets get to it! Bon Voyage!
Hailey Devine wearing her Fawn Design Bag in black.
Some airlines require a birth certificate for your baby. This is mostly when they are looking close to the age where they can't fly free anymore. Bring one just in case. *For international travel you MUST have a passport! Even if your child is days old!*
The perfect Diaper Bag. We are biased over here but we think Fawn Design is the best! Especially for travel because it can be a backpack and is completely wipeable! Not to mention it has plenty of space for all your travel needs!
Diapers- I always have 5 in my bag at all times. This was enough for the flight as well. I also like to have the little rented bags for stinky diapers!
Changing Mat
Rash Cream- Because it is a liquid it has to be under 3 oz. I'm glad I brought a travel size one because on the way home Georgia had a really bad rash and it really helped! and we were able to take it on the plane! We like Boudreaux's Butt Paste
Change of clothes- We always have Georgia in pjs so she's comfy and not too much to mess with! We usually have to change her on our laps so the less layers the better!
Blanket: We bring a light one. Georgia loves the bamboo swaddle blankets so that is what we bring! We like Aden + Anais best!
Pacifier and Clip- If your child uses a pacifier I highly recommend bringing two and getting a clip for it so it doesn't drop on the airport or plane floor! We like these ones from Madeline's Box.
If you are nursing: If you like to use a cover we LOVE Covered Goods! super great and easy to use on the little space you have on a plane. Either way plan to nurse during take off and landing! That helps babies with the change in pressure. When we flew to Paris I felt like I nursed the whole time! But Georgia was happy therefore myself and everyone around me was too!
If you're using formula: Which I was this time around! I stopped nursing about a month ago for some health reasons (as a side note, if you are wanting to ween but have a big trip coming up I recommend you hold out! From doing both nursing is a lot easier with travel and Georgia slept longer and better when we nursed). I brought 2 bottles with formula in them but no water (because of security and I put the water in when Georgia's ready for it). As well as a formula container with enough for 3 feedings. Obviously this is more than plenty but I rather have more than not enough. After security we got hot water from Starbucks (most airport bathrooms water is cold!) which we had to pay for! It was under $2.00. We filled the two bottles with half hot water and half cold. By the time Georgia drank them they were perfect temperature. Be sure to check on your wrist before giving your bottle to your child just in case! You can get additional water on the plane, most have hot water for coffee and tea.
Baby Food- We are all about the baby good pouches. No spoon or bowl needed and Geogria likes to help feed herself. Baby food is one of the exceptions to the liquids rule. I brought two pouches and they had to open one of them and test the "vapors". It was no big deal because it has a lid and was still good to eat once Georgia wanted it. TIP: take your baby food out of your diaper bag and put it separately through the security conveyer. That way when they test the food (which they will) they won't have to empty out your while bag! A bib is optional but always a good thing to have!
Snacks- Georgia likes the puffs you can buy. I have to watch her though because she's still learning how to chew. Obviously the older your child is the more options you have. Its great to bring a special surprise treat!
Water Bottle- make sure its empty for security! Georgia loves to play with water bottles. She actually can drink out of the Camelback kind so we have a kids sized one for her. You can get them from target near the kids bikes or on Amazon.
Toys: Bring lots and lots of toys! This is the most important thing to help distract! I bought 3 new toys to help hold Georgia's attention a little longer than some of her older ones. I probably brought 8-10 toys. A little excessive but I don't regret it. She likes toys with the crinkles and rubber stuff for chewing so I made she to have plenty of those. We are big fans of Sophie the Giraffe at our house.
A Backpack: I like to bring a separate bag for myself. 1) Because I can 2) I hate to feel like I have to leave stuff behind because of space. I really like Fajllrave Kanken Daypack . They're lightweight, comfortable and come in a ton of colors. They fit most laptops too.
Laptop: If needed. Since we do Fawn Design 24/7 we need our laptops! You'll have to take it out of its case for security just so you know.
Phone Charger: I always put mine in my carry on in case I need to charge it at the airport or so I have it right away (or heaven forbid the luggage gets lost at least you'll have that).
Headphones: You never know how the baby will do on the plane! What if they sleep the whole time? You could enjoy a movie or even read a book!
Book: In case baby sleeps like I mentioned above, or if you get so RR time on your trip!
Wallet and ID: A given but important!
Airborne: We always take some for the plane! Doing all we can to not get sick!
Sweatshirt: I always am glad I have one! Planes always seem to get cold!
Snacks: The airlines are getting really stingy with food these days! Our 6 hour flight they gave out a snack once and you could purchase sandwiches for an arm and a leg. We typically buy a few snacks and a drink once we go through security. Yes, treats can be pricey at the airport but id rather buy my treats after and not risk them getting thrown away at security! And you deserve a good flight too!
Baby Carrier: We LOVE our Ergo Baby 360. Georgia can be faced inward or outward, she prefers outward. You can wear your child and have your backpack and be hands free!
We prefer to carry Georgia in carrier instead of bringing her carseat and stroller to the gate. This is just our preference but here is why; Security is hard enough! Adding a stroller and carseat makes it a lot harder. Plus you can check your carseat and stroller for free. Most stroller companies make travel bags which I highly suggest investing in if you do a lot of travel and plan to check it. If you have multiple kids checking your stroller isn't the best option but for one it works great. I only recommend this if you have a baby carrier though!
Something to be aware of with baby carriers and baby wraps for the plane itself is some airlines won't let you wear your baby during take off and landing. There is tons of debate on this but by law you have to do what they tell you. I've been on flights where I can where her and flights where they asked me to take her out until we reached 10,000 feet. The good news is you can wear them through security which makes that whole situation easier.
On the plane if you baby is having a hard time, it is okay! Take a deep breath and drink your favorite beverage. Don't worry about what others think. Take turns with your partner if you brought one! Just try to stay calm. If baby is upset and so are you they can tell. Don't be afraid to ask the flight attendants for whatever you need to make your life easier.
This sums up our travel post for now. I will be doing a post about traveling international with a baby in the near future!
Thanks for reading!
Owner, Fawn Design