Easy Family Photos, Becky Kimball Photography


Easy Family Photos, Becky Kimball Photography


Easy Family Photos, Becky Kimball Photography


Easy Family Photos, Becky Kimball Photography

Why is it that family pictures are always STRESSFUL?? It also seems like you just took them and your family changed, so you need to take them again! That is us. A year ago we took family pictures, Georgia was 6 months old. Little did we know we'd found out we were pregnant with another baby girl a few months later. So now here we are needing family pictures again! This time I was determined to figure out how to make it a little easier, and I am here to pass those tips onto you!


5 Steps for Easy Family Pictures:

1. Be Yourself. I can't stress this tip enough! Wear something that you feel awesome in! I rarely wear dresses but for some reason in family pictures I always feel the need to wear one. I then always seem to look uncomfortable in my own skin! So this time I decided to stick to what I really feel like myself in; Button up shirt, pants, and some high top Vans shoes. Plus if you buy something you'd normally wear you know you'll get good use out of it!

2. Pick your outfit FIRST!: How many times do you leave the house and your kids are all put together and you feel the complete opposite? For family pictures pick your outfit out and then your spouse and kids. This will insure you look and feel your best. Plus kids for the most part are easy to shop for. Also consider getting your hair blown out and styled! You'll feel like a million bucks and won't have to worry about your hair!

 3. Avoid being too matchy: Back in the day, matching in family pictures was a must! Now days not so much. I recommend finding cohesive colors instead of picking one or two matching colors. In our pictures you can see; browns, grays, creams, and some olive green. Obviously these are more fall colors but the same principle would apply to the other seasons.

4. Book your photographer in advance: If you're taking pictures for your annual Christmas card be sure to book your photographer the end of August. This will guarantee you'll get a good time and your pictures with plenty of time to spare. Your photographer will also appreciate you not waiting until the last minute. I personally think early fall is a great time (middle of September), the leaves are just starting to change but its not too cold yet.

5. Give yourself plenty of time to get ready: This seems like a no brainer but this is something I really struggle with since having kids! I think everything doesnt take very long, even though it does! The morning of your photos make sure everyone has everything they need! Double check hair accessories, socks, belts etc. Do any ironing or steaming in the morning too! That way its ready to go when its time to get ready! Aim to be early to your location! Not only is it polite but they you get the most out of the time you paid for!


Hopefully some of these tips will help make your next family photo session a little less stressful and a lot more enjoyable! 


All images are from Becky Kimball Photography. She is amazing! 



Jenny - Top: Madewell Pants: Madewell Shoes: Vans Watch: Arvo

Cole - Shirt: Vans Pants: Volcom Shoes: Nike Watch: Arvo

Georgia - Pinafore: Wren & James Undershirt: Old Navy Boots: Mikoleon Socks: Happy Socks Bow: Little Poppy Co

June - Shirt: Baby Gap Jumper: Rylee & Cru Bow: Little Poppy Co Moccasins: Freshly Picked


Easy Family Photos, Becky Kimball Photography


Easy Family Photos, Becky Kimball Photography


Easy Family Photos, Becky Kimball Photography

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